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Role of Science in Society Essay

Science is one of the most important things which people should constantly develop to provide progress and stable growth for humanity as a developed society.

This essay tells about science as an important tool for the development of people’s knowledge. It shows the importance of such scientific discoveries as electricity. It highlights its importance for the modern population and indicates the significance of weather forecasting and medical improvements which were developed with the help of scientific research. This essay shows my attitude towards the importance of science in my life.

Science is one of the most important spheres of human activity. It is a form of social consciousness and a system of knowledge about the laws of nature and humanity. Science develops, organizes, and summarizes theoretical knowledge of reality and the world around us. It opens the laws, and explores and explains important processes and phenomena that form the environment in which modern people exist.

Science should not underestimate the role of science for the population and general human development. Many essential things that make people’s lives easier were created through scientific research and discoveries. Science is the basis that provides the development of humanity and makes people evolve under any circumstances. It plays important role in forming the world's global society. I am a fan of science as I clearly understand its role in my life.

Essay on Role of Science in Society

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Scientists develop science as an effective tool that helps improve and upgrade the life of people all over the world. Scientists are people which come up with different solutions in the sphere of science to expand the ability of regular people to enjoy their life.

The importance of science in the life of modern society is very essential because many spheres of human activity are based on scientific discoveries. It has not been possible for people to live in comfortable houses without the promotion of the development of materials for building purposes. It would not be possible to treat people without profound research and studies in medicine. It is hard to imagine modern society without the development of science.

All benefits and values that current society possesses originated because of the influence of science and its development.

Inventing of Electricity

One of the greatest achievements that were made by scientists is the discovery of electricity. It would not be possible to use all benefits of this phenomenon without the scientific collaboration between scientists. Electricity is a system of phenomena that are associated with the existence, interaction, and movement of electric charges.

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Many scientists contributed to the discovery of electricity. Among them there are people like:

  • Benjamin Franklin
  • James Joule
  • Joseph Thomson and others.

The Discovery of electricity gave humanity a useful tool that brought new opportunities for the development of all types of industry. It gave a valuable possibility to have light in every home. Nowadays, electricity is an integral part of modern society.

Everything that people have in terms of comfort, clothes, transport, food and so on is possible to be produced because of electricity. The whole production process of anything would not be possible to maintain without this useful phenomenon. “It has transformed how we live and has become something that we expect and can’t imagine living without” (Accent Energy, 2013).

Personally, electricity is playing a significant role in my life. It allowed me and the current generation to be in touch with people we know and love. This discovery made it possible for me to grow in an environment where I can get proper education and become a qualified worker that can bring some benefits to other people.

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Medicine Development

The research and discoveries of scientists made it possible to advance medicine. For many years, people who lived in the past were suffering from different illnesses. It was a difficult time for people in terms of mortality and health conditions. The development in the field of medical science created all the necessary conditions for treating people with different illnesses and the ability to provide decent medical services for those who want to improve their health.

Because scientific research, there was discovered penicillin which saved many lives, especially during World War II (Derderian, 2007).  For me, the improvement in medicine is a great advantage for my health conditions. The scientific progress in this field gave me a chance to treat my teeth without pain and visit doctors with confidence that I will get qualified help.

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Understanding of Nature

The development of science made a great contribution to the understanding of biological processes that occur in nature. It is very important to understand how nature works for people to have the ability to adapt to any climatic environment.

The modern population of our planet strongly depends on food production. To provide and feed the current number of people on Earth, it is necessary to know the features of climate to produce high yields.

Any weather changes could make a significant impact on the growth of crops. It is important to know weather conditions in the region to know which type of crops is the best solution to grow in a particular region. The knowledge of weather forecasting is also essential in such industries as shipping, aviation, cyclone warning, fisheries, and others. There was made a significant step in science in terms of the weather forecast.

The establishment of such a branch as environmental science provided the opportunity to know whether for the general public. For me, it is very important to know the weather conditions at the place where I live to know how to spend my leisure time. It is also significant to know the weather conditions when traveling.


In conclusion, it is necessary to underline that science covers many important fields of knowledge. People use science to improve their lives and discover new ways for their personal development and development of the society.

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