We Guarantee:

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Customer satisfaction is top priority here at Best-Essay-Service.org. We enable each student to specify the content of any paper ordered through our service. Prior to the paper’s being returned to the customer, our Quality Assurance Experts carefully examine each element of the paper to make sure that the customer’s specifications are met exactly as ordered. The customer is entitled to a full, money back guarantee if said specifications are not met as promised.\

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We do everything possible and impossible to meet the most urgent deadlines. We will never let you down. When you order online papers at Best-Essay-Service.org, you will always receive a superior product on time. Our timely delivery guarantee is also supported by our Money-Back Guarantee. Check it for more detail.


Offering high quality writing at a low price is one of our distinguishing characteristics. Best-Essay-Service.org guarantees the best prices on any order placed with our company. We also add extra pages and elements, absolutely free of charge. While other writing services charge per page, we add free bibliographies, outlines, formatting, title pages, research work and more. We also offer special discounts for frequent customers.


Simply put, plagiarism is not tolerated at Best-Essay-Service.org. Our Quality Assurance representatives check every paper thoroughly before it is sent to you. You can be sure that your paper will be plagiarism-free, so you won't have any academic problems with it.


All customers of Best-Essay-Service.org have 20 days in which they can request revisions to their order. Revisions can be made an unlimited number of times until the customer is satisfied with the order. We guarantee that all revisions will be made in a timely manner, and that in the case of a rush order, the customer’s specified deadline will be met. Our goal is to complete all revisions in a manner that will meet the customer’s specifications.


Round-the-clock customer service. Call us or use our live chat, whenever you have questions or concerns.


Our exclusive Lifetime Membership guarantees three levels of discounts that can equal as much as 15% off on every order. These discounts are for customers who have ordered more than 20 pages of writing from Best-Essay-Service.org. The different levels of Lifetime Membership are: 

15% off - Platinum Membership 

10% off - Gold Membership 

5% off - Silver Membership

Save extra 10% on each and every order by receiving 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page offered by most of the essay writing websites.


Best-Essay-Service.org never discloses customers' private information to any third party. Therefore, no one will ever know you buy papers online. Our Privacy Policy guarantees absolute confidentiality and a strong protection of your rights.


When you order online papers from us, you pay for the text itself, while the writer also includes a free title page and reference page. The paper is properly cited, referenced, and formatted also for free.


We at Best-Essay-Service.org understand that our customers might experience certain degrees of anxiety about their papers while they are being written. Therefore, we have enabled various online alerts and status notifications that are guaranteed to keep our customers abreast of their papers’ progress. We provide frequent notifications at all hours, 7 days a week via SMS messages and in the Student Account Area on our Best-Essay-Service.org website.


What good is a writing service if it cannot guarantee high quality writing? Here at Best-Essay-Service.org, we have a Quality Assurance Team that meticulously checks each paper to ascertain whether or not it meets with the customer’s original specifications. To assure the customer that the paper has passed these checkpoints, we issue the following reports: Plagiarism report – Stating the document has been scanned and that it does not contain plagiarism Grammar report – Guarantee that all grammar within the document is correct Compliance check report – Guarantees that everything, including formatting, is as it should be High quality is our trademark characteristic at Best-Essay-Service.org.


Unlike other essay writing companies, our writers have at least a Master's degree in one or several disciplines. Therefore, the writer assigned to work on your order will produce the best result, by providing you with a paper written according to your instructions and appropriate for your level of complexity.