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Definition of a Business Strategy
TNT is known to be the market superior in supplying and providing business-to-business (also known as B2B) high-speed delivery attendances. The company supplies a variety of documents, parcels, and different vendible securely between businesses, utilizing road or air transport. The business strategy of TNT can be characterized as competitive. Such a competitive strategy is based on two significant features.
- The first significant characteristic of the competitive strategy concerns the ability to have a distinct position in the market. The facts demonstrate that TNT’s market position is based on diverging and delimiting itself from competitors with the help of its velocity, dependability, solidity, and service.
- The second feature of the competitive strategy regards the capacity to build core strengths (which are also known as core competencies). In the case of TNT, the company’s strengths are grounded on the alluring and evolving high-quality personnel.
Three Things which TNT Takes into Account Developing Strategies
The facts demonstrate that TNT divides its clients by their desires and requirements. Thus, the company has to consider a multifold of various crucial areas while it develops its strategies. Nevertheless, the case demonstrates that there are significant issues that the company carefully considers while developing its strategies.
- Firstly, the company takes into account what goods and attendances have to be produced. For example, the company considers its integrated supply and delivery services.
- Secondly, the company should determine the trading segments and spheres around the globe that will provide the best restitutions and turning on the investment. The case study demonstrates that TNT leads its operations in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. Thus, the company should analyze which of these locations are the best for the company’s investment return.
- The third issue that the company should consider involves the methods of how to create a competitive advantage. The TNT case demonstrates that one of the methods of building a competitive advantage is to create it via numerous customer-centered services.
Company’s Four Purposes of a Mission Statement
The company’s mission is to preponderate over the expectations of the company’s clients concerning the transferring of their commodities and documents around the globe.
- Thus, the first purpose is to satisfy customers’ needs and even exceed them while performing the company’s major operations.
- The second purpose concerns the company’s possibility to supply value to TNT’s clients by providing them with the most dependable and effective solutions to their requirements and desires via the company’s delivery networks.
- The third purpose of the company’s mission is to attempt to lead the industry by insinuating pride in the company’s clients and creating value for the company’s shareholders.
- The fourth and last purpose of TNT’s mission statement is to share the company’s responsibility around the globe.
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Thus, the purposes support TNT’s mission concentration on expeditiously delivering commodities and documents, dispensing the clients’ contentment, and conducting oneself accountably. In fact, the major purpose of TNT’s mission is to serve the company’s customers in a personal, efficient, and reliable manner.
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The Difference between an Aim and an Objective
The case study demonstrates that there is a clear difference between the company’s aim and objective. Thus, the company’s primary objective concerns the company’s possibility to obtain beneficial and gainful growth. On the other hand, the company aims to concentrate on effective delivery of client’s commodities and documents, ensuring that the customers are satisfied and the company behaves appropriately and responsibly.
TNT Customer Value Proposition
The company provides operational excellence to the customers. Thus, TNT ensures that it can provide fast, dependable, and high-quality values for a variety of money services. The company also guarantees customer relationship management. It means that the company tries to exceed the requirements of different customer segments and attempts to secure a customer-focused value proposition. Thirdly, the company provides innovative services to its customers. Therefore, the company is interested in providing new services to fulfill the growing customers’ needs. In fact, the customer value proposition demonstrates that the company ensures to deliver a superior customer experience.
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The Company’s Aim and Two Smart Objectives
- One of the company’s aims is to concentrate on the efficient delivery of customer’s commodities and documents. At the same time, TNT tries to satisfy its clients and behave responsibly. On the other hand, the company also has two smart objectives, which are highly significant for the company’s operations.
- The first smart objective of the company concerns the ability to answer 85 percent of their client’s calls within a period of ten seconds. The above-mentioned objective coincides with the company’s mission, which states that the company attempts to develop the most dependable and effective solutions for TNT’s clients. In fact, the company’s concentration on the customers is one of the primary methods in which TNT aligns to distinguish its company from its emulators. The second smart objective of the company is to enhance its carbon efficacy by 45 percent before 2020. The figures are to be evaluated on a basis of the company’s 2007 baseline. The current smart objective concerns the company’s long-range ones and reiterates the company’s aim to decrease the environmental influence of TNT’s business.
Why the Above-Mentioned Objectives Are Smart Objectives?

The case study demonstrates that smart objectives are formulated in such a way that they become able to guarantee that each person comprehends what is required by the objective and the objective sets time limits. These two features allow facilitating the company’s analysis and evaluation of performance. Moreover, the company can alternate its plans according to some necessary issues to overcome any difficulties or obstacles. Thus, smart objectives can be characterized by five key features. The first feature is the fact that the objective is specific as it states what exactly is required to happen. The second feature concerns the fact that the objective is measurable since it can be evaluated by quantity or proportion. The third characteristic regards the fact that the objective is achievable because the company states that it can achieve it within its available resources and time limits. The fourth characteristic demonstrates that the objective is relevant, especially to the overall business and corporate objectives. Finally, the smart objective should be time-related, which means that it should attach some deadline. The above-mentioned objectives have all of these features as they are specific, measurable (10 seconds, 45 percent), achievable, relevant, and time-related (by 2020).
Why Businesses Set Objectives at Different Levels within an Organization
Firstly, businesses set objectives at different levels as they have to deliver their strategies via a series of tactics, which should concern each company’s level. Secondly, the organization’s managers at different levels perform four managerial functions of the company. They are projecting, arranging, leading, and controlling. Thus, the company should take this into account and set different objectives for these managers. Thirdly, the business strategy of the company might operate at different levels of the organization. This is a reason why some of the objectives appear as short-term while others are long-range. Finally, setting objectives at different levels helps to better control the overall organization’s plan as the targets are set within specific departments and it helps to obtain a performance appraisal.