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This coursework describes 6 types of potential customers of Open Stations. Their feedbacks created a background for the determination of the rate of satisfaction and necessity of any amendments into the app. My feelings and response to this feedbacks are provided below. Much attention is paid to ways and methods of improvement of Open Stations. Changing of performance of the app and existing network will form a background for making Open Stores very popular.
6 Types of Potential Customers of Open Stations
The market of health and fitness-related apps has been constantly growing for the last few years: “the global health and fitness mobile app market are worth about $4 billion at the moment, but this could increase to $26 billion by 2017” (Boxall, 2014). Nowadays, more than 100,000 apps provide information regarding health and fitness procedures (Boxall, 2014). Notably, this category of apps has grown about by 49% during the last year (Khalaf, 2014). Moreover, the average daily usage of these apps has increased about 62%, while the usage of the overall app increased by 33% (Khalaf, 2014). According to the information provided in the article “Report: Health App Market has a Few Big Winners”, 30.9% of American users use health apps for fitness (Comstock, 2014). This data reflects the fact that the market of fitness apps increases and develops rapidly and it will continue to grow in recent years.
As it was mentioned in assignment 2, Open Station is a unique app. There are no analogs of this app in the world. People will be impressed by Open Stations. Moreover, there is no other app that is useful to the same extent to both gym owners and gym customers. Open Station makes their training and maintenance of mechanisms considerably simpler and more effective because customers can choose less busy times and owners can observe the popularity and the extent of use of mechanisms in gyms.
There are no existing competitors and limitations to this app. It provides information about the availability of free machines in gyms. The usefulness of Open Station both for customers of gyms and for gym owners allows the developers to offer this app to all users of fitness and health apps.
Target Audience and Potential Consumers
Open Station app will be oriented towards people engaged in fitness. The general target audience is represented by lead users (both gym owners and customers), gym owners, sportfish adults, sportfish youth, people who visit the gym due to health problems, and people of the older age who pay much attention to comfort. People who pay much attention to comfort will be interested in Open Station app because this app provides them with the ability to come to the gym when many machines are free. Therefore, they can feel comfortable in the gym. This app will be attractive for sportfishing adults and youth because it will provide them with the ability to increase the effectiveness of their work times since they will be able to visit gyms at led busy times and work on any machines as much as they want. Lead users will be the first people who will use the app and determine what should be changed in this app. It is very important to attract lead users both representatives of gym owners and gym customers because the app was created for both types of users. Lead users will be chosen from people who have large experience and knowledge in gym ownership and use. These people should have a high level of innovation and should have a great need in obtaining timely and location-based information because Open Station was developed for providing this type of data. Gym owners will find Open Station beneficial, as it will provide them with the ability to track the work of machines and provide timely and efficient management of machines. People who visit the gym due to their health problems will be able to obtain information regarding the workability of machines in which they are interested and to visit gyms in times when these machines are free
Test and Feedback of Potential Consumers
The special questionnaire developed for finding out the customers’ attitude towards Open Station will contain the following questions: what is your attitude to Open Store? Do you find it useful? Do you want to change this app? Does this app satisfy all your needs? Are there any failures detected in Open Station? Is it convenient for you? The answers of representatives of all the types of target customers are divided into 3 groups: fully satisfied by the app, partially satisfied, and not satisfied.
Fully satisfied customers have provided the following feedback and answers to questions:
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- Open Station is great to track workouts while you do them. Super clean and simple. It also has a cool protein tracker feature.
- Open Station is a purely training-oriented app that tracks free mechanisms (using your selected formula), moved weight, intensity, training duration, new records, etc.
- Cool! Now I can see what mechanisms are the most popular in my gym.
- The app is awesome. Now, I can visit my gym when it is not so crowded.
- The automatic update gives me the most relevant information about the business of the gym. Now, my training has become very effective.
- This is cool. I like it for a quick workout when I do not have that much time.
Partially satisfied customers have provided the following feedback and answers to questions:
- Can you link Open Stations with Facebook? I want to share this information with my friends.
- This information helps me to perform effective maintenance of my mechanisms. Can you provide an ability to make weekly and monthly graphics of the use of mechanisms?
- The free trial version is amazing, but the full version is too expensive for me.
Not satisfied customers provided the following feedback and answers to questions:
- I do not want to track all the mechanisms. I am interested only in a view (Open Station did not have a possibility to track the availability of only selected machines).
- Can you include the ability to analyze data?
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This feedbacks reflect customers’ satisfaction with Open Store and show their dissatisfaction regarding some aspects of its performance. First, some people want to obtain information about the work of only certain mechanisms. Both customers and gym owners are interested in the ability to make some weekly and monthly analyses of the use of mechanisms for the determination of the frequency of maintenance of these mechanisms, and the busiest hours in a day and days in a week. Some people want Open Station to be connected with social networks (like Facebook) for sharing information with others.
Feelings and Reaction of Feedback
I appreciate all the feedback because they help me to find out customers’ attitudes and perceptions. I am very proud and pleased with the fact that the majority of respondents found my app useful and satisfied with its performance. Notably, both gym owners and gym customers are satisfied with Open Station. I think I am on the right track with this app. This feedback will help me to improve Open Station and make it more attractive to customers. I will add certain features to this app - the ability to choose mechanisms, in which users are more interested, the ability to collect, group, and analyze data, creation of weekly and monthly reports.
Response to Feedback
Customers’ feedback has provided me with the ability to generate several critical statements for the improvement of Open Station. These statements are as follows:
- Based on the feedback I received regarding the inability to choose particular mechanisms, I am adding the ability to choose mechanisms in which customers are most interested
- Following the feedback I received regarding the inability to obtain collect and analyze data for a long time period, I am adding the ability to collect information regarding the workload of mechanisms and analyze it through building graphs
- The feedback I received regarding nonsatisfaction by the inability to obtain collect and analyze data for a long time period allowed me to plan to add the ability to collect information regarding the workload of mechanisms and analyze it through building graphs
- As for the feedback I received regarding the use of tracking of mechanisms in the gym, I decide not to change this feature of the Open Station
- The feedback regarding satisfaction from automatic updates will remain a feature of the app unchanged.
- Since customers want to connect their apps with a social network, I add an ability to coordinate the work of Open Station and social networks.
Many improvements should be made in Open Station to meet the demand of customers. Additional staff will be required for quick and effective development and implementation of necessary changes into the app. The network of individuals will contain programmers, managers, lead users, and observers of customers’ opinions. Programmers will create additional sub-programs and integrate them into Open Station. Observers will investigate customers’ satisfaction with new features of the app. Managers will coordinate the work of observers and programmers, analyze the performance of the app, and develop strategies for future improvement of Open Station and increasing its target audience. Lead users will be those people who will be the first to test the app and find out characteristics that should be improved.

Implication of Feedback
The above-mentioned feedback showed me the necessity of the implementation of certain amendments into Open Station. This customer feedback has provided me with an understanding that during the process of development of any app, much attention should be paid to communication with customers to find out their needs and perceptions. This understanding shows me a direction of future improvements of Open Station. Intended, consumer groups can directly express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the app. I think their feedback is grounded and reasonable.
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I think that my newly amended network (with programmers, lead users, observers, and managers) will help me to improve Open Stores and increase the satisfaction of customers in the shortest time and the most efficient manner. Moreover, these people will continue their work for performance further study of customers’ attitudes towards this app and increasing popularity of Open Stations.
My big a-ha from this part of the process is understanding that majority of customers are really satisfied by Open Stations. They found this app useful. People are impressed by the abilities of Open Stations. At the same time, I clearly understand that much work should be done to make Open Stations a great and popular app.
This coursework described potential consumers of Open Stations. They are lead users (both gym owners and customers), sportfish adults; sportfish youth, people who visit the gym due to health problems, and people of older age who pay much attention to their comfort. Their feedback regarding the work of Open Stations has provided me with the understanding that most of them are satisfied and impressed by this app. At the same time, I have understood that several improvements should be made to increase customers’ satisfaction. Open Stations should be amended by adding an ability to obtain information about the business of certain mechanisms, making connections with social networks, and obtaining the ability to collect and analyze data.