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  1. Healthcare providers should be reimbursed according to the quality of care they provide. Pay-for-performance system should be implemented. It will create background for healthcare providers to find the optimal treatment plans for patients and try to treat patients’ issues instead of assigning many expensive procedures (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
  2. The best criteria to rate performance would be as follows: treatment results, treatment time, and treatment optimization. Treatment results must be on the acceptable level according to each particular case – from full recovery to the good vitals. Treatment time must be optimal according to the requirements of each case – healthcare providers must neither stall nor shorten the period of treatment. Treatment optimization is about choosing the optimal treatment plan.
  3. Physicians can negatively influence the CQI effects of a healthcare facility in case of negative attitude to the CQI initiatives. Quality improvement process can be compromised, considering the fact that physicians can have different expectations and may have inappropriate commitment level to the process of quality improvement (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
  4. HEDIS stands for Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. It has seventy-five measures that are grouped in eight “domains of care” (NCQA, 2013). They are as follows: Effectiveness of Care; Access/Availability of Care; Experience of Care; Health plan stability; Utilization and Relative Resource Use; Informed healthcare choices (availability of new member orientation, education, language translation services, etc.); and Health Plan Descriptive Information (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
  5. “Why” questions are risky in the CQI process in case they are asked too early. It is so because such questions lead to inappropriate answers on early stages of quality improvement process and can damage the correct process of quality improvement. Incorrect conclusions will lead to the changes that are not necessary (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
  6. Variation is the dispersion of results when some object is measured. It is measured by the lowest and highest points of measure and their median.
  7. Multidisciplinary groups can have certain behavioral problems. They are as follows: desire to treat patient personally; lack of information sharing; and inability to cooperate (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
  8. Organizational culture is a set of rules and regulations within an organization aimed to organize and support effective relationships between organization members. It has positive influence on the way the team does CQI in case organizational culture is built on the principles of mutual help and support, correctness and respect. Otherwise, CQI process can be compromised (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
  9. The importance of reward systems under CQI only grows. It is very important to praise the success and progress of every team member in oral and written forms (Ardal et al., 2008; Gebores et al., 2001).
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  11. Medical errors may lead to patients’ deaths. The root causes of incidents are usually as follows: lack of professionalism (intern without appropriate skills), tiredness (48 hours without sleep), and stress (many trauma patients in case of big traffic accident). Therefore, it is necessary to implement CQI programs, rearrange shifts so that doctors and personnel could have rest, and work out the line of work in stress situations during simulations (Statit, 2007; StratisHealth, 2013).
  12. Two most important dimensions of effective microsystems are ongoing measurement of outcomes and interdependence of the care team to meet patient needs. It is very important to understand what has been done wrong and right after each case so to implement positive findings and exclude negative. In addition, the entire care team must understand that only joint efforts will provide the best result for a patient (Nelson et al., 2002).
  13. Public Health Organizations should have a CQI program in order to solve issues of strategic health improvement within a society. The benefits are obvious: more professionals would be able to participate in the process of health improvement of such scale. There is a risk to lose highly qualified staff obtained after such programs – they might leave to private sector, seeking for better opportunities (Radawski, 1999; Statit, 2007; StratisHealth, 2013).
  14. Technology can enhance the effectiveness of CQI by providing communication and overall integration opportunities – use of smartphones, tablets, the Internet and online libraries can improve and speed up the process of CQI greatly.
  15. The main challenges preventing technology from full integration into CQI are lack of proper financing and negative attitude of health care professionals to CQI initiatives. Small hospitals might not have the budget to purchase new technologies for CQI. Old school healthcare professionals do not like technological improvements so much to use them in full.

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