World Religions
Without any doubt, among the major world religions, there exist three faiths that are closely interrelated in their origins, their main beliefs, their holy books, and their fundamental institutions of leadership. Furthermore, these religions match in their ethical and moral beliefs, and in attitude to the individuals and social order of the world. Historically, the Abrahamic religions consider both conflict and cooperation due to divergences in their beliefs.
According to the definition, the Abrahamic faiths are the monotheistic religions that come from the patriarch Abraham, although he occupies different roles in different belief systems. It is known that the monotheistic tradition significantly influenced the establishment of three global faiths called Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Abraham is considered to be a prophet to these religions, since he is mentioned in the Bible, the Torah, and the Qur’an as the spiritual father. It is generally accepted that Abraham was a person who lived during the Iron Age (2000 BCE). The history of his life is still unclear; however, it is known that Abraham (or Abram) was God’s messenger who took his family and migrated to another place. He settled on the eastern Mediterranean, commonly known as the Holy Land. Nowadays, the Holy Land designates a serious issue amidst Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, since all these faiths want to achieve a complete right to govern this territory and use its resources. The followers of the Abrahamic religions occupy over half of the population of the world. Indisputably, these faiths are different; however, they are very resembling in their beliefs.
Judaism is a strict monotheism religion that is mostly widespread throughout Israel, Europe and the USA. Jews study the Hebrew Tanakh as their holy text. They believe in Yahweh, angels, and demons. Jews apprehend human nature as equality of good and bad traits.
Christianity was founded in 33 CE and now it is predominantly concentrated in Europe North and South America. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity as the recognition of three Persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) in one Divine Nature. Christians consider the Old Testament and the New Testament, which explains the pure impregnation of the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ. The main prophet of Christianity is Jesus, who is reckoned to be God incarnate. Christians believe that human nature is original sin, since it was inherited by Adam.
The similarities of these religions can be explicable in the belief in one merciful and caring God who is the Creator of the Universe and speaks with humans over time. Jews consider God as a Holy Adviser of humans. Christians strongly believe in God through the Holy Trinity, they perceive God as one complex being. Moreover, Christianity and Judaism consider that God can talk to people through revelation to certain chosen people, known as prophets. Furthermore, Christians and Jews claim that God gave humans all fundamental opportunities for living. Additionally, these religions have faith in the domination of good over evil. In this case, humans should not lose courage and complain, while after black parts of life, the light will definitely come. Moreover, Christians and Jews believe in a perfect heaven (paradise) state, where humans go after they die. Additionally, Christians and Jews consider worship as a fundamental method to connect to God. These Abrahamic religions recognize a public prayer (Christians on Sunday and Jews on Saturday) and a private prayer, since all these faiths have a distinct desire to speak with God. Moreover, Christianity and Judaism keep fasting (usually on holy days) in order to demonstrate obedience to God.
Indisputably, Christianity and Judaism have some differences. First of all, Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah and the son of God who redeemed humans from their sins and after his death he revived. On the contrary, Jews deny that Jesus was a Messiah. Moreover, they reflect that Jesus will come in future; however, they consider Jesus as a spiritual leader, but not as a holy individual. Furthermore, Christians affirm resurrection and second coming of Jesus, while Jews completely deny these facts. Secondly, Christians believe in a virgin birth of Jesus and his inevitable return after the end of the world. Thirdly, Judaism accuses Christianity of idolatry in the way Christians worship Christ. However, Christians claim that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and humans are obligated to worship him. Furthermore, the day of worship of these religions completely differentiate, since Christians attend their churches on Sunday, and Jews go to their synagogues on Saturday. Moreover, Christianity and Judaism apprehend the concept of sin in a different manner. For instance, Christians think that humans are born sinful in their origins as the result of temptation in the Paradise Garden. On the contrary, Jews deny the belief in the original sin, since a person can achieve a plenary pardon from God with the help of prayer and repentance.
All in all, Christians and Jews consider themselves as the closest religions to the truth. Undoubtedly, these faiths have the same fundamental beliefs; however, the main difference amidst them can be amplified by an absolute denial to recognize the others’ primary prophets. Thus, in the 21st humans have faced a big problem, commonly known as a religious war, since the Abrahamic religions cannot reach consensus by claiming their personal rightness and genuineness. In this case, a need of making concession and amalgamation is keenly felt.